Monday, March 21, 2011


In just a couple days I will be flying off to the wonderful country of Italia for the next 3 months. Somebody (*cough cough, Natalie Downs) gave me the fabulous idea of blogging while I’m over there to a) share with all of you my daily adventures and b) have a record of everything so I can read it at the end and remember everything! So this is my new blog. I will be posting it on Facebook and passing it around to the family so you all can keep up with me and my crazy adventures! 
Oh! On another note, in my crazy adventures I may sometimes forget to stay in close contact with everybody. So if at any point any of you are feeling rather annoyed you haven’t heard directly from me in a while just send me a note by Facebook or email saying hi and I promise to respond! I will have a phone with me, but I’m turning it off for the most part so I don’t get insane roaming charges and I’m just going to use it to call my immediate family. But! I do have Skype and Facetime. If anybody ever wants to Skype with me just let me know! My Skype name is: n.parrish 
Now I have to get back to packing. Unpacking from college and repacking for Italy is turning out to be a rather overwhelming project, as evidence by my living room where you can no longer see the floor because of the piles of stuff everywhere. 

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